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Industry tips for founders: Opportunities for your idea

In fact, there are endless opportunities to become self-employed and you don't always have to reinvent the wheel.
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In fact, there are endless opportunities to become self-employed and you don't always have to reinvent the wheel. Perhaps you have already become aware of an existing business idea and would like to modify it a little or expand it to a new market? For this it is necessary that you are familiar with the products or services of the relevant branch of the business field, because each specialization places special demands on the knowledge of founders. So remember to check your qualifications. Find out more in the pusatinfoloker.com knowledge portal and read why your personal starting position plays a role before you decide in which industry you want to become self-employed and maybe found a startup. Also learn how, for example, individual counseling and funding offers can help you. Get smart for your success!

Industry tips for founders: Opportunities for your idea

Starting a business: What sectors are there?

As a founder, it is important to identify special requirements and necessary formalities in the various sectors and business areas . For example, in the trades or in the freelance professions, these can be professional legal requirements, without which you will not have a chance on the market. Insurance law issues also play a role in this context, as does choosing the right legal form.Artists and media workers, for example, are compulsorily insured in the so-called artists' social security fund. If you are still unsure in which industry you would like to found or invest, you will quickly find that the variety of general (startup) options will impress you. Because there are countless industries and areas whose service or product portfolio ranges from conservatively introduced to innovative and future-oriented. You must therefore analyze exactly where, within this enormous market potential, your personal expertise can find space. The following popular sectors are available to you and your concept for starting a business:

  • Freelance professions: e.g. specialist journalists or IT specialists,
  • Business : dealers, restaurateurs, craftsmen, producers,
  • Retail : trading companies of all kinds,
  • Online retail: Shops and Co.,
  • craft,
  • medicine industry,
  • high tech and life science,
  • art and media,
  • travel industry and tourism,
  • Social startups : social entrepreneurs,
  • Nursing Services.

Business plan for founding a company - no matter what industry

Regardless of the industry in which you would like to become self-employed , technical knowledge, professional experience as well as courage and diligence always form the prerequisites for your "traditional" self-employment or your innovative start-up. Therefore, make your decision in peace and don't just let yourself be guided by the positive factors of founding a company. The self-employed work themselves and constantly, that is a well-known guiding principle, but it contains fundamental truths. The prospect of above-average income and the freedom to make decisions are one thing, but you also have to withstand the pressure when it comes to maintaining a structured daily routine, forgoing vacations and tightening your belt in the first few years.

It is best if you write a business plan that contains all the relevant considerations and formalities about how your business idea is to be implemented step by step. He preferably presents the following details:

  • founding person(s)
  • time of incorporation
  • Business idea with a description of all products or services
  • price culture
  • market analysis
  • Measures for marketing and sales
  • Capital requirements and financing
  • Medium and long-term goals
Your business plan is therefore more than just a rough sketch, after all you want to use it to convince possible financiers such as banks, partners or investors. That's why you should draw up a really sophisticated "director's plan" that describes your business idea exactly to every reader, provides figures for financing and gives a first glimpse of your future as a self-employed person, e.gsuitable. If you are a founder, your business plan will also keep you on track. It is your compass that will keep you on the home stretch in the years that follow. Of course you have to adapt it again and again: Some requirements change if, for example, a competitor appears on the market. Then you have no choice but to rethink your plan. In this case, maybe franchises would be an alternative?

Organization chart and calculation

Not everyone can do everything. If you want to be successful, get the right supporters by your side. These can be partners or qualified employees. Industry tips for founders recommend the instrument of an organizational chart. This allows you to make it clear how your company should be structured and who will take on which tasks and responsibilities. Liquidity is also an important factor in this context. Your business plan should include a calculation of how you will be able to finance yourself over the next 24 to 36 months.

Tip : There are some start-up platforms that offer interactive tools for creating a business plan. Find out, for example, in the pusatinfoloker knowledge portal and learn how to create a perfect business plan 

Advice as a decision-making aid: Which industry is booming?

For example, as a former social worker with above-average talents in foreign languages, would you like to turn your hobby into a job and set up a language school? Then you should definitely get an overview of the requirements and proof you need to bring with you. Unfortunately, your joy in dealing with people is not enough in this context. It is therefore best to look for a professional consultant who is familiar with the desired industry.

There is a large selection of fee-based "pros" to be found on the Internet . However, if you want to save money, you should first take advantage of the free advice services offered by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK), the Chamber of Crafts (HK) and the Institute for Liberal Professions, which are available nationwide. Many professional associations also offer free advice and provide professional start-up information.

Have the right questions ready

It makes sense for you to think about specific questions as a starting point for your consultation. It should be clear to you what expectations you have when you go to counseling and what answers you should get as a result. Are you wondering, for example, what content is important in consulting contracts with specialists as coaches who should be available to you during the introductory phase of your climbing hall? Or are you planning to open a veggie snack bar, hire employees and are unsure whether your financial calculations are correct? You might also want to find out whether there are funding opportunities and which ones are suitable for your business idea? No matter which industry tips for founders interest you, write down your questions so that you can generate the right solution, for example in the form of a perfect business plan!

By the way : Limit the topics for which you would like advice and contact the databases of large consulting associations on the Internet. For example:

  • BVW – Online inquiries for the search for a consultant
  • BNotK – notary information
  • BDU – consultant database
  • DAV – German legal information
  • DStV – tax consultant search service
  • SES – Senior Expert Service
  • VBI – Association of Consulting Engineers
  • RKW - Rationalization and Innovation Center of the German Economy

Which sectors have a future?

In principle, all founders face similar challenges. Nevertheless, when it comes to the question of which industry is best for you to become self-employed, there are also special features to consider. Therefore, before you create your business plan, find out whether you need to obtain special permits or permits for your desired industry . Global trends also help you to better assess the market and its needs . Learn from the professionals and use knowledge portals, trade fairs and consulting services. If you are interested in the IT industry, for example, there are still convincing aspects that qualify this area for a successful start-up.Check the access barriers - professionally and personally - and use, for example, start-up seminars for your decision-making!

Is self-employment worth it in the IT industry?

You enjoy working with computers and the like and have been playing the digital keyboard of all your end devices since you were a teenager. Even during your studies you couldn't let go of the idea of ​​starting your own business. At the same time, the uncertainty gnaws at you: Yes, starting a business, but which industry harbors the lowest risks ? Does the IT industry really offer the right conditions?

Heed the advice of experts: get advice, use your own network and collect information. Check your own expertise objectively, identify existing gaps and familiarize yourself with the founder 1x1.

If you want to start as an IT freelancer, the forecasts for your success are apparently very good, because according to studies of German medium-sized companies, the IT industry still needs self-employed specialists and company founders. Companies often do not want to be burdened with their own IT departments and outsource IT tasks to freelancers. Specialists such as web developers, IT consultants, programmers or network administrators are in demand.

A big advantage of starting your own business as an IT specialist is that you don't need any major investments . Laptop, telephone, car and a small office as well as sufficient reserves for advertising and marketing are manageable costs. This and the right legal form, for example as a freelancer, will also keep your bookkeeping manageable, because you will get by with an income surplus account (EÜR). The right accounting software for founders helps you to manage sales and figures correctly and to submit the annual tax returns to the tax office on time.

Are you wondering how to get industry tips for founders and freelancers in the IT sector? Very simple: Contact established IT specialists in agencies, companies and visit job fairs and other industry-specific fairs. There you will meet practitioners who can answer your questions specifically. Here in the LEXROCKET knowledge portal you can get a foretaste of information that you can build on when you are considering which industry you would like to start your own business in. Simply use the tools from LEXROCKET and get started. Finding funding is no problem either!

Industry tips for starting a business as a real estate agent

You've made up your mind: You want to start a business and you've chosen the real estate market as your industry. Then, according to expert opinion, you have chosen a profession that is one of the most successful sectors for starting a business. You may have known straight away which branch of business is right for you because you have organizational skills, are communicative and you are also interested in real estate. Then you can count yourself lucky. Other people willing to start a business take longer to find a brilliant business idea and it takes them years to decide in which sector they want to set up their own business.

Despite your belief that selling houses is "your thing," you should research the real estate industry beforehand. It is a demanding market with numerous competitors. If you want to survive here in the long term, you have to equip yourself with strategies and demonstrate professional expertise. The job of a real estate agent is still considered attractive, but it involves great challenges.

Precisely because the activity does not necessarily require a degree in an apprenticeship or degree, pitfalls are inevitable. It is essential that you are familiar with financing issues and the legal basis of this trade. As a real estate agent, you are not only an agent for a residential property, but also an advisor and a confidant for your customers. Therefore, as a career starter, you should be aware that the leap into this type of self-employment is associated with certain risks.

Even if the term broker is not protected in Germany and no rigid training standards are required, experts advise completing at least one IHK course in real estate management or, even better, considering a relevant course of study, e.g. business administration with a focus on real estate. The fact is that you need an official brokerage permit according to § 34c of the German Trade Act in order to be able to work as a self-employed real estate agent.

Now did that confuse you? The most important things for you again in brief:
  • Anyone can become a real estate agent, whether as a career changer or as a career starter
  • A specific school-leaving certificate is not required
  • A brokerage license must be applied for
  • Entry into the profession through IHK courses, training or studies is recommended
  • Guarantees of success are diligence, specialist knowledge, social skills and the willingness to continue learning
In comparison, Germany is considered to be a country with an above-average concentration of brokers in the real estate market . Before you become self-employed with your idea, you absolutely have to carry out a location analysis. This is the only way you can decide whether the location or radius of your desired region is expedient to successfully establish yourself as a real estate agent. In this context, one of the essential industry tips for founders is to find out what the demand situation looks like with regard to the desired region or city. Only if you can present these questions satisfactorily in your business plan will you be able to prove yourself as an independent real estate agent.

Team up with other brokers

Together we are stronger! Perhaps partnering with other brokers might be an option for you to consider. So you would share advertising, marketing and office costs. Alternatively, it is advantageous for you to become a member of the professional association of the real estate industry. On the one hand, membership is a proof of quality, on the other hand, you can continue your education there with the help of courses and specialize further. Organizations such as the Immobilienverband Deutschland (IVD) also carry out specialist knowledge tests and advise you on insurance issues for your protection! 

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