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Integrated System Implementation Is Important For Your Business

Easily Integrated systems can be understood in terms of business application software created and designed to assist in managing your business in buyi
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Integrated System Implementation Is Important For Your Business

Easily Integrated systems can be understood in terms of business application software created and designed to assist in managing your business in buying and selling goods in the form of wholesale and retail. Applications are generally used in goods distributor companies. With this application it allows you to control the stock of incoming and outgoing goods continuously, it's easy to use just by inputting data in this application, so this application will automatically analyze the progress of your business sales.

A system integrator (SI) is the development of computing systems for companies or individuals by combining hardware and software products from several products. Companies can customize to further reduce costs, pre-configuration of components and additional applications to meet the objectives of the main business, implementation will be customized which may require original programming or programming new applications using a system integrator.

The concept of system integration is a system concept that can be interconnected with one another in various ways according to needs. This is very useful when a data in a file on the system is also needed by other systems or the output of one system becomes the input of another system.

A report generally takes time, however, more relevant information in managerial activities can be obtained if needed. This advantage has strong reasons for prioritizing an integrated information system because the main goal of an information system is to provide the right information at the right time.

An integrated system is also one of the things that must be owned by large companies and startups. Information systems are also related to system integration because the two things can complement each other, to create better and more structured company conditions. In creating a better information system for the company, the role of system integration is needed in your business. For this reason, when you are about to start a business and have an organization, it is mandatory to integrate the existing systems in the business by using the best ERP software.

To create a better information system for the company, you really need the role of system integration. The correct application of system integration can increase the credibility and quality of your company. You can use the best ERP application from IDMETAFORA to make it easier for you to manage and manage fields in your business.

Benefits of the Integrated System

Running the company's operations effectively and efficiently is the goal of an integrated system. As the company grows, the amount of data you store will increase, whether related to employee, business or client processes. Even if the subsystem can function independently, if there is no movement in a system it will hamper both performance and performance. The company's potential for profit will be further disrupted. Therefore, having a well-integrated and fully integrated information system will really help your company to enjoy the following benefits.

1. Increase productivity

The integrated system allows centralized control so that workflow can be more efficient. When employees can complete work in a relatively short time, productivity will certainly be higher. Then, an increase in employee productivity can of course also benefit the company. Not to mention, you can focus on building quality teamwork. With system integration, it can make the entire process run quite short and simple, just by relying on existing human resources. You just train them to get used to this new system without having to bother recruiting new employees. Thanks to a trained team, your company is ready to accept new challenges to grow bigger.

2. Faster decision making

System integration will help companies access data because it is no longer spread over different storages. Therefore, the analysis process will be very fast because there is no need   to manually download and extract data. When the system is integrated, you can collect and analyze data through one central control. So, the decision-making process will be faster.

3. Cost effectiveness

Not only can save time,  system integration can keep production costs more efficient. Companies do not need to spend unnecessary costs for the implementation of new infrastructure for each system. The cost to update or to repair when a problem occurs is very cheap. You don't even need to subscribe to too many software  or applications for different subsystems.

Types of  Integrated Systems 

Integration in the world of information technology is found in several kinds of integration systems. The types of integration are  legacy system integration, Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) ,  Third-party system integration , and B2B  integration.  With this integration, it will be easier to interact with the system in the distribution and utilization of the data and information needed. The following is the meaning of these integrations and some examples.

1.  Legacy system integration

The goal of this system integration is to incorporate modern applications into the company's existing legacy systems. There are many companies that use old applications in running their business. Generally, companies cannot replace the use of these applications because they have become part of the employee's workflow every day. However, you can modernize it by connecting to a system that uses the latest technology. For example, to connect a long-used CRM to   a newer data warehouse .

2.  Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)

Type  of system integration Its purpose is to unify the various subsystems into a single business environment. When developing companies usually use many applications to support their  front  and  back office  work. Those apps usually accumulate large volumes of data in discrete ways. You can make it more effective by using EAI. With EAI, you can make all the functions of the system into one  business chain  and automate data exchange in real time between different applications. For example, creating a special ecosystem for accounting, inventory management, and CRM systems. You can use a cloud

-based ERP system  complete with several choices of solutions such as accounting applications, CRM, HRM, inventory management, procurement systems, warehouse systems to manufacturing on one platform. Integrated ERP application designed to automate business processes from start to finish. 

3.  Third-party system integration

The purpose of this third-party system integration is to expand the functionality of existing systems within the company. So, this type of system integration is a great option when a business needs new functionality but can't develop a custom application. For example, because there is no time to build features from scratch, you can integrate with third-party applications.

4.  B2B integration

As the name implies  B2B integration Its purpose is to connect the systems of two or more companies. This integration between business and business can automate transactions and exchange of documents in all companies. So this integration leads to more efficient cooperation and trade with suppliers, customers and business partners.

Metode-metode Integrated System

1. Vertical

integration Vertical integration is a method that is integrated according to its function by creating a functional entity. This method is a fairly easy and simple method that only involves a limited number of systems. However, it is also quite rigid and it becomes increasingly difficult to manage in the long term as each new function requires its own functional “silo”. Vertical integration is best at creating simple integrations that handle only one function.

2. Horizontal

integration This system integration method  is also referred to as the  Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). The method involves creating a special subsystem that has the function of connecting with other subsystems. Horizontal integration also involves creating applications by enabling programmatic connections between other applications. Subsystems are connected via the main system indirectly rather than directly, vertical integration requires fewer connections. Fewer connections can reduce the amount of money, effort, and time you need to build a system.

3. Point to point integration

Also known as  star integration namely the method that connects the system to several subsystems. The series of connections that look like a star until it is called star integration. For example, this method is when a company performs segmentation in its business processes. For example, an accounting system from HashMicro that can help you track finances or a web analytics system that is used to manage  web traffic  . You can pull and combine data from each of these systems according to company needs

4. Common

data formats You can implement general data format integration by creating a language for new data. This language is a universal format that is used by all subsystems in processing and transferring data from one to another. This type of integration can help eliminate the need to have more than one adapter in a system for each subsystem.

The main benefit of this type of integration is that all subsystems communicate seamlessly and operate  independently . However, there is a downside to this integration that it is quite complex and requires comprehensive coding skills.

Advantages When Using  an Integrated System 

1. Facilitate the process of optimizing resources.

The advantage of  the first Integrated System  is to facilitate the optimization of existing resources. To manage system requirements in companies, of course, requires large  resources  . From place, allocation of funds, time, and others. To facilitate this, the integration system is needed.

Optimization here has many criteria, for example, by replacing or adding several important features and systems to improve performance in your business. The role of technology here is important enough to shorten a job to make it more efficient.

2. Access data in real time

Access data that you can view and monitor with real-time.  So, you don't have to wait for information for too long and check over and over some of the data. In the current era of digitalization, you need to use various technologies wisely to support your career. You can start creating a data center. Its function is to accommodate a lot of information stored in the database. Until, you can manage all kinds of data forms neatly, easily, and quickly. You also don't need to use a lot of documents. Apart from that, you can save expenses and can use it for other purposes.

3. Decision Making

Facilitate the process of making a decision. If you become a leader, then the important thing that you must have is leadership ( leadership ).). Every leader certainly needs to have a clear vision and mission in making decisions to improve the quality of the business that you run. 

By using the appropriate integration system, decision making becomes faster and more appropriate. For example, if you have  a startup  engaged in  web development,  the first step that needs to be taken is that you have the commitment and resources to support the creation  of a good startup  . Then, determine what service or services you will provide for  customers.  You can do research in many ways, one of which is by using internet access. Make sure you know your competitors and the needs of your  users related to  website development .

4. Speed ​​up the communication process between departments

In today's digital era, fast communication is urgently needed. By implementing system integration correctly, you can connect between departments more effectively. You really need communication between teams to get a common perception in order to produce the best product. When there is no communication between everyone, then you cannot produce a quality product. In this case the system integration process has an important role in the smooth running of product development.

5. Cooperation between teams

The importance of cooperation is an obligation when you set up a company or lead an organization. Coordination between teams needs to be considered and maintained properly. For example, in the world of IT, especially in the field of  developers.  When working on an application, you can work on it by forming various teams to make the process easier. 

The existence of a cycle in system development can improve  team work  and communication in software development. Basically, humans are social beings who cannot live alone and always need help from others. Therefore, when you can integrate the system well, you can solve every problem quickly.


System integration is a process consisting of several components that are related to one another. The application of the correct system integration can increase the credibility and quality of the company. To create a good integration system, it must have support from all parties such as systems, environment, human resources, and  other resources.

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